Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej we współpracy z Polskim Stowarzyszeniem Budownictwa Ekologicznego PLGBC ogłasza nabór na studia podyplomowe „Architektura i Budownictwo Zrównoważone”.
Hasło rozwoju zrównoważonego staje się aktualnie wytyczną wszelkich działań inwestycyjnych związanych z kształtowaniem środowiska zurbanizowanego. Wychodząc naprzeciw tym wymaganiom pragniemy stworzyć możliwość uzyskania wiedzy zainteresowanym absolwentom studiów wyższych poprzez ofertę studiów interdyscyplinarnych w tym zakresie.
Absolwent Studiów Podyplomowych „Architektura i Budownictwo Zrównoważone” będzie specjalistą o szerokiej interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy w zakresie ekologicznego (energooszczędnego, pasywnego, zero-energetycznego, plus-energetycznego) budownictwa i zrównoważonego rozwoju zurbanizowanego środowiska, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień związanych z oszczędnością energii i jej pozyskiwaniem ze źródeł odnawialnych.
Zaostrzające się przepisy Prawa Budowlanego względem energochłonności budynków, skutkują rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem na specjalistów z zakresu budownictwa energooszczędnego. Studium umożliwi uzyskanie teoretycznego i praktycznego przygotowania z tej dziedziny oraz zapoznanie się z najnowszymi badaniami, technologiami oraz metodami projektowania architektoniczno – budowlanego, uwzględniającymi efektywność energetyczną i aspekty ekologiczne budynków i ich zespołów. Absolwent Studium zdobędzie ponadto umiejętność efektywnej prezentacji wiedzy i uczestnictwa w dyskusji dotyczącej problematyki zrównoważonego środowiska.
Absolwenci Studiów, w tym również absolwenci, którzy ukończyli studia magisterskie (w rozumieniu przepisów o szkolnictwie wyższym) oraz nie posiadają uprawnień budowlanych do projektowania w specjalności architektonicznej, konstrukcyjno – budowlanej lub instalacyjnej, zdobędą wiedzę pozwalającą na sporządzanie świadectw charakterystyki energetycznej budynków i dokument upoważniający do uzyskania uprawnień w tym zakresie.
Grupa docelowa słuchaczy:
Absolwenci studiów wyższych zainteresowani architekturą, budownictwem i rozwojem zrównoważonym, w szczególności :
- osoby zainteresowane budownictwem ekologicznym i energooszczędnym, oceną energetyczną i ekologiczną budynków i ich zespołów,
- osoby ubiegające się o uzyskanie uprawnień do sporządzania świadectw charakterystyki energetycznej budynków
- specjaliści - pracownicy administracji samorządowej i państwowej związani z budownictwem i planowaniem przestrzennym
Politechnika Krakowska, Wydział Architektury
Instytut Projektowania Budowlanego – A4
ul. Warszawska 24
31-155 Kraków
Tel: +48502600411
Email: aibz@pk.edu.pl

Wasze opinie
2016-05-16 11:17:12 lzm
2016-06-06 09:36:23 good
What is writing style? There are two main styles to be concerned with - both editorial and personal. This article explains what each is, clearing the confusion between them, and will help you understand and develop your personal writing style. fashoinstyle.us
After surviving the initial 18 to 24 months in business, you have graduated into the growth phase. During this business cycle phase, you have become accustomed to the various business models (i.e. revenue model, operations model, sales model, etc.) businessmom.us
This article with explain to the reader the comparison between civil and common law. There are many differences among the two but there are also several similarities. It also talks about the establishment of both laws such as where they came from, how they were brought up, and where they are in today\'s societies. lawcorner.us
There are several reasons for shopping in online shopping. Some people like to just get out of the house and go to a conventional mall but for those that like the convenience of sitting down and shop by clicking, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, this is the easiest way to do it. You save gas, eliminate crowds and have a very wide array of items to buy and get better prices than shopping any other way. shoppingtalk.us
There are several different reasons home improvements are done and you will find that they are very time consuming. They are however usually worth the energy and time that you put in to them and you are bound to appreciate the outcome. A home improvements is basically altering and changing the home. smarthomeimprovement.us
Interior design styles can help guide your decoration efforts. Find out the advantages of using an interior decorating style in your interior design endeavor. fashion101.us
Australians already know that health coverage can provide security for individuals and families when a medical need arises. Many, however, do not know how to find the best value when comparing health insurance policies. Here are 10 tips everyone should read before shopping for private health coverage. 101health.us
Car finance has become big business. A huge number of new and used car buyers in the UK are making their vehicle purchase on finance of some sort, and many people choose to arrange it through the dealership. So what do you need to know about financing your car from the dealer? smallfinance.us
Blue nose pitbull dogs are one of the most popular breeds. There are different species within this breed and it is important to keep an eye out for it. It is always recommended to approach a professional dog breeder to purchase the best species of pitbull puppies onlinebuy.us
When the time comes to upgrade elements in your home, you may find that it is a costly exercise. Being able to determine which is the right home improvement finance option for you is an important step in making your house a home. homeimprovementideas.us
There are a plethora of full service travel agents who prepare the itinerary of the traveler from researching, planning to purchasing an entire trip to \'Discover India\'. The tour packages are at a discounted or subsidized rate due to channel partners that comprises of economic luxurious hotels, airlines, railways, transporters so on and so forth. mytravelguide.us
Do you ever wonder what makes the best sales professionals. Is it their education, their training, their attitude or something else less tangible. This article sets out what sales styles you need to demonstrate to be an outstanding salesman. fashionadvice.us
Why does health care fraud appear to get the \'lions-share\' of attention? Could health care fraud be the perfect vehicle for driving agendas of divergent groups? Take a closer look and one finds this is no game-of-chance, taxpayers, consumers and providers always lose. besthealth.us
The universe that we are living in is governed by universal laws. This law is something that works the same in an orderly manner for every person at anytime. Understanding of the law is the key to live a life of prosperity and abundance. aboutlaw.us
In this article we take a look at some of the benefits of online shopping. The internet has evolved into a global market place with a wide array of products and services that are in many cases almost inaccessible in the offline world; we take a look at some of the major benefits associated with such convenience - click click. proshopper.us
2016-06-06 09:37:01 good
Home improvement is a very widespread field, with many ideas from which to choose. During the summertime, countless people think about remodeling their homes, making improvements to certain rooms of the house, but are often not sure which improvements to do. hosueideas.us
Many people enjoy travelling and will always do so at any available opportunity. Some people travel often because it is part of their job requirements. There are those who rarely travel but will gladly do so once in awhile especially during vacations. mrtravel.us
Home improvement projects regularly scare people off, because many judge that they will pay thousands of dollars to alter one room, because they do not have the skills to do the job them self. They may also feel that the job is costly because supplies and tools are needed. fashionhosue.us
Discount Health Care Cards are a growing trend in the USA. Many Employers are choosing these as a way to curb the high cost of insurance. The discount health card industry has grown to serve more than 21 million consumers across the U.S. healthiness.us
I suggest you keep reading on this 11 Forgotten Laws review if you are interested in improving your life and attract positive energies. This might be just one of the most important things you have ever done in your life. insidelaw.us
With the growth of the internet, the ease and availability of ordering surfing products and buying surfboards of all types online has become an acceptable way to shop and purchase a new board. However, buying a surfboard at your local surf shop may be preferable because you can touch it, pick it up and feel it, and talk to a sales representative face to face. shoppingadvice.us
The stores these days have so many ideas for beach house decorating in them that you don\'t know where to start. Make your design your own and these guidelines will help you on your journey to a one of a kind perfect style made just for you. housedecor.us
Spring Break is upon us and so is the great opportunity to do a Grand Canyon helicopter or airplane tour. But don\'t delay when it comes to booking your flight. These trips sell out and sell out fast. Learn more. Read this article. luxurytour.us
Fashion industry attracts many young people nowadays not only because it is a rather new profession, but also it is supposed to realize person\'s likes in the field of fashion. Besides, it is quite a high-paid profession today. When a young person decides to connect his or her activity with the fashion industry nothing comes to mind except one its aspect - fashion design. fashionicon.us
As Health Reform continues to unfold, the pace of change is picking up speed, as new models of reimbursement, care delivery and access are taking shape. These shifts on the provider side should represent good news for millions of Americans that need better support from the healthcare system, especially since many of those with chronic disease aren\'t currently getting recommended care. healthyday.us
The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey is a very popular digital product today. In this 11 Forgotten Laws review we will take a look at this product and see what are the pros and cons of it. Before the review itself we will also understand what are The 11 Laws. lawadvice.us
Choosing a window tint shop can be confusing. \"Best Price\" \"No Bubbles\" \"20 Years in Business\"... How do you know which shop to choose? There are major differences between tint shops and you don\'t want to make a bad investment. shoppingblog.us
If you are an investor looking to invest in a commercial real estate property, without a doubt, you want to make sure that brings you a profit and offers value to your tenants. Prospective tenants will be attracted to your commercial location if you can ensure their safety and security. housedevelopment.us
If you\'re not ready to get into a fierce (and most likely, neverending) debate about the difference between a traveler and a tourist, then you just need to follow one rule: Never mention the word \"tours.\" Somehow, tours has become a taboo in travel. \"Real\" travelers will tell you that joining a group tour is not a \"real\" way to travel. grouptour.us
This article is aimed at informing bloggers about the right approach for creating a fashion blog. Fashion is a topic about which almost everybody claims to have knowledge. Still, mistakes committed almost unknowingly become hindrances in the way of a successful engaging fashion blog. fashionkeeper.us
2016-09-28 12:39:44 good
One everyone wishes know is methods to remove blackheads. This is because blackheads can really ruin any complexion and that can often end up pimples. How to remove blackheads from your face
2016-10-14 06:56:57 good
If that you are wondering just what exactly cyber education is, when you are looking within cyber education next twelve months, or when you are a parent serious about cyber-school for your personal child the next few paragraphs is for yourself. Without further more ado, recommendations my narrative: Once upon some time in your galaxy a long way, far at a distance.. Contact of Defence Public School for Girls
2016-11-09 06:16:34 HIGH
The Beijing Olympics will need place This summer 8-24, \'08, in Beijing, Cina. During these times the Olympic exercise list consists of 28 summer season sports. Additionally, there is roughly 10, 500 athletes that are projected to be able to partake inside the Games, together with around 20, 000 recognized media obtaining the Olympics for the world. www.olympicssports.net
A health club is a perfect place to be a part of some sports activities. Most gyms not only have digital camera models, weight, in addition to some instruction; some of those also skilled gyms regarding activities one to partake inside. These are great way for you not only get wholesome, but offer more pleasant getting physical. www.sportsactivity.net
One in the major components militating in the development related to sports inside Nigeria nowadays is inadequate effective management. A wide range of solutions are now proffered via concerned in addition to patriotic Nigerians every single day to bail most of us out the particular quagmire. Among this kind of options is this specific text entitled \"Modern Advancements in Sporting activities Administration in addition to Management\". www.drsports.net
The common-law-rules simply because defined with the IRS may help business masters determine whether or not their workers are believed employees as well as contractors. It is essential for people to understand this to determination due to the fact each class is vunerable to different taxation\'s withholdings in addition to laws. www.lawrules.net
Regardless of your legislation firm\'s focus - criminal offence, civil, company, family, organization, etc. - the very best challenge nearly all small to be able to mid-size businesses face is having less a correct and disciplined approach to business enhancement. Relying on referrals doesn\'t a method make! And waiting to acquire serious concerning marketing until that primary case is really wrapped upwards is way too late. www.laworder.net
Before beginning a organization, legally, you need to obtain any type of business enable or allow required lawfully. Doing consequently will identify your organization, protect open public safety and health insurance and allow you to keep close track of your finances for taxation\'s purposes. www.lawethics.net
Similar to the procedure with regard to e-discovery is really complex in addition to complicated, so could be the task of making the best option between moving the process in-house as well as outsourcing. A decision really should not be made without any clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of every approaches since the wrong continue can location a firm\'s reputation in danger. www.lawdiscovery.net
It occurs often whenever a job candidate isn\'t granted a great indefinite leave to remain. To counter-top this particular; you might prefer to consider a great appeal regarding ILR refusal for the UK Advantage Agency in line with the UK Immigration legislation. www.lawappeal.net
Retro is generally defined because the style that is outdated as well as outmoded however trendy in addition to fashionable. Nowadays, the classic style remains prominent in a number of areas for example fashion. Retro design involves wearing clothes that have been used formerly. www.fashionretro.net
Haute Couture is often a French phrase for greater fashion. Couture signifies dressmaking, sewing, or needlework in addition to haute signifies elegant as well as high, and so the two blend www.fashioncouture.net
You may be stuck regarding ideas which to wear when you have the honor to become invited to have an 80s design party. You might like to do several research on 80s design trends prior to assembling your own ensemble while you fancy oneself an 80s design expert. www.thinkfashion.net
Seasonal handbags certainly are a smart cost. They will offer a quick fashion boost for almost any woman about the budget. Rather compared to worrying concerning replacing an entire wardrobe regarding summer, women can purchase seasonal purse design that will enhance virtually every piece inside their wardrobe. www.quickfashion.net
Whatever age a specific individual is really, he/she features a unique taste for your clothes, add-ons, and clothes that she will wear in addition to use. Since the beginning of time, people have their unique fashion assertion. They stick to trends related to clothing. www.expertfashion.net
Shop Insurance coverage and packages are created to cover shops and checklist premises and all the risks how the shopkeeper may face inside the daily running in the business. Most programs contain a range of liability in addition to property deals with as normal, with an opportunity to choose levels of buildings, materials and reveal cover. www.shoppingco.net
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Brighton is really renowned due to the two most favored shopping districts within the Lanes in addition to North Laine wherever lovers might surely find the perfect gift for special an individual. The Lanes is often a virtual purchasing paradise, packed to full of designer stores, specialty shops and special independent stores. It\'s an excellent place to supply your bank card a excellent workout. www.shoppingspecial.net
An on the web shopping sale is surely an interesting time to do your personal shopping. Leading online retailers will provide global producers and almost their entire choice of products for that shopping pleasure. So, why wait around in investing in a good top quality product because of the fact the cost doesn\'t suit your allowance! www.shoppingsales.net
According for the new amounts, shop price inflation blossom further inside April. The particular BRC-Nielsen Shop Price List has learned that general store cost inflation had been at 2. 0% inside April, upwards from 1. 2% inside March. The improve means an additional pressure on people who find themselves already going through debt. www.shoppingprice.net
In the event you expect being doing several serious Christmas shopping this season, now could be the time to be able to plan the quantity of you might spend in addition to where you will be charged your money. Indeed, the standard American family members spends greater than $700 each year on holiday gifts, greater than that depending on some observers. www.shoppingbudget.net
Nowadays the most effective and exciting solution to do purchasing is on the web where it is convenient in addition to endless hours to visit one store to a different, checking aside product subsequent product. You can get all the bargains you need without leaving behind the comfort of your property. It is being conducted through the net. www.shoppingaffordable.net
Do you must do online purchasing the old-fashioned technique? Do you employ search engines to get the item you need? Shopping advancements have revolutionized in addition to evolved to another level while using phenomenon related to social purchasing networks. www.bonusshopping.net
Do an individual hear concerning stories of people who generate profits through blogging and you also yearn to accomplish the very same but don\'t know how? Blog marketing has become one of the biggest internet marketing trends in the present internet company community, and this informative article will emphasize how you\'ll be able to join the particular fun inside 5 easy ways. www.blogshopping.net
In this informative article you\'ll discover the ultimate way to become a great alpha guy. If you have to attract a lot more women into your daily life, achieve a lot more social position then this informative article is important read to suit your needs. Becoming a great alpha male is often a skill which may be developed just like dancing. www.alphashopping.net
Exclusivity, rarity, or uniqueness is often a very effective psychological trigger for your right product or the very best situation. The basic concept is always to make the opportunity feel that she / he is special-that you are really enabling that prospect to buy a particular product that few individuals can obtain regardless related to price. (Sugarman, 1999). www.newsexclusive.net
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With this particular global, hectic environment, situations can modify as rapidly as blinking a wrist watch. For this specific reason, news blogs have grown to be increasingly well-liked tools regarding succinctly in addition to concisely cutting for the chase in addition to presenting this particular news in a fashion that makes one of the most sense for your most people. www.newsblogger.net
We most love the actual pets. Many people are totally crazy a lot more than our cats and also the dogs. We love that they meow anytime they\'re depriving or enjoyable. We love all the different barks the actual pooch makes depending on what their situation as well as mood are usually. www.petmeow.net
You possess a few options whenever deciding where one can buy canine rats. You can buy from canine shops, or directly in the pet rat operator. It is much better to have them young, as this gives you more time to train them all, and to be able to socialize collectively. www.buypet.net
Top trainers claim that every dog learn how to spend tranquility in your pet cage. This enables you to have the actual satisfaction that she or he isn\'t participating in anything if you can\'t look at him. If your pet crate lies in the particular lounge room or one more area where there are many activity, he might still take part the blood circulation without acquiring underfoot. www.bigpet.net
In this post I\'ve comprehensive some companies that concentrate on types of vacation offers. You\'ll uncover services in addition to information for an array of great journey packages with regard to solitary individuals. That that you can do a simple search through Google as well as any search results to have the website of each and every company. www.travelresort.net
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Grupa Sztuka Architektury zaprasza na uroczyste ogłoszenie wyników trzynastej edycji Plebiscytu Polska… »