Zgłoszenia od 23.09.2005 do 7.10.2005
Formularze zgłoszeniowe i zasady konkursu
dostępne na stronie:
Kontakt: zgłoszenia i informacje: jjacob@riai.ie
Jill Jacob
tel: 00353 1 6691463
fax: 00353 1 6769510
Informacja oryginalna:
Scalaheen, Co. Tipperary Competition
One Stage Competition
Development of Lands at Scalaheen, Co. Tipperary
The Competition Promoter’s are Tipperary Town Council.
The competition is being organised by The Royal Institute
of the Architects of Ireland and all queries in respect
of the competition should be addressed in writing to;
The Registrar,
Development of Lands at Scalaheen, Co. Tipperary
8 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
To Register for this comptetition please download the
following files:
Competition Brief:
The Files available for download once you have registered